TBD August 2024 Salt Lake City, Utah | Wild Sage x BeMo | Cacao Ceremony, Guided BeMo Journaling Session, & Sound Bath


Cacao Ceremony, Guided BeMo Journaling Session, and Sound Bath

Join us for a transformative event hosted by Wild Sage Acupuncture in Cottonwood Heights, Salt Lake City, Utah. This unique experience will combine a cacao ceremony, a guided BeMo Journaling session, and a healing sound bath.

Event Highlights:

Cacao Ceremony: Begin the evening with a heart-opening cacao ceremony, designed to foster connection and introspection.
Guided BeMo Journaling Session: Led by the creator of The BeMo Practice, Cassandra Stark, this journaling session will help you delve into your emotional landscape, promoting self-discovery and healing.
Sound Bath: Conclude the evening with a soothing sound bath, incorporating chakra-tuned bowls and light therapy for deep relaxation and grounding.

Event Details:

Location: Wild Sage Acupuncture, Cottonwood Heights, Salt Lake City, Utah
Date: TBD August
Time: TBD

This exclusive event promises to be a powerful evening of reflection, healing, and connection. Immerse yourself in a supportive community and leave feeling rejuvenated and empowered.

Space is limited to only six attendees, so be sure to reserve your spot soon. We look forward to sharing this special evening with you!

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TBD August 2024 Salt Lake City, Utah | Wild Sage x BeMo | Cacao Ceremony, Guided BeMo Journaling Session, & Sound Bath
