The BeMo Practice is a self-therapy journal that allows you to understand what it means to “feel your feelings” and instill secure, assertive behaviors through repetition and self-soothing. Because healing isn’t one size fits all, BeMo created a practice that anyone can use – whether you write big, small, long, or short - The BeMo Journal holds the space for you.
At the center of The BeMo Practice is the FUNCK Method. Work through the FUNCK to self-soothe and regulate emotions. Over time, reveal moments of repetition, identify triggers and limiting beliefs, and uncover deeper, lifelong healing as you move through our identified stages of self-discovery and healing: Feel, Deal, Reveal, & Heal.
It’s not CBT. It’s not DBT. It’s new.
The magic of The BeMo Practice is that it can be combined with any therapy, class, or workbook. We’ve created the guide to be used in any space you Need for hearing, seeing, and Knowing yourself. Use this practice alongside the things that inspire you and bring curiosity to your life.
Take your personal growth and healing journey to a new level with this transformative practice. Process emotions & let go of limiting beliefs with The BeMo Journal & Guide.