The holiday season can bring a variety of feelings. Whether we’re overwhelmed by activity or feeling the weight of too little distraction, this time of year can easily bring up a sense of not-enoughness or too-muchness. Let’s explore a way to approach it differently, using the G.I.F.T. of Presence.
Why Do We Feel Overwhelmed During the Holidays?
The familiar overwhelm of the holidays can often be traced to old memories or expectations, sometimes even post-traumatic stress. Maybe you feel joyful, yet the memory of past disappointment or criticism keeps tugging at you, or perhaps you worry that things aren’t festive “enough” to feel like the holiday spirit.
Whichever way it affects you, I invite you to pause and give yourself the G.I.F.T. of Presence:
Giving Yourself the G.I.F.T. of Presence
Take a moment to center on gratitude. If it’s hard to find things to be grateful for amid stress, start by engaging your five senses. Look around and note what you can see, hear, taste, smell, and touch, connecting you to the present before you delve into how you’re feeling.
Intention matters, especially during a time of year when we’re pulled in many directions. Focus on your own intentions and let go of the urge to control others’ responses or actions. This season, consider that gifts aren’t only in boxes. Your words, time, and presence are gifts, too. Offer these with positive intention, mindful that your energy and actions are a reflection of what you choose to give.
It’s not your job to make everyone else feel better. Your role is to notice your own feelings and meet your needs in the moment. Take a step back from the environments or interactions that don’t serve you, so you can bring your best self where you feel valued. When you honor your own feelings, you’ll find that others are more likely to see the genuine gift you bring just by being you.
Be mindful of how you spend your time and with whom. You don’t have to attend every event or check every item off your list. By pacing yourself and giving space to savor moments, you’ll avoid feeling like the season has rushed by. Try to let yourself enjoy small details, like the flavor of holiday treats or the sight of fresh snowfall. Time is a gift, one that is yours to shape as much as it is to give.
Holiday Season Presence is the Greatest Gift
The gifts you share don’t have to be wrapped. What we often remember are the spontaneous, meaningful experiences—the laughter, the little unexpected moments, and the presence we bring to those we love.
This season, if you find yourself in a moment of stress, pause and take a deep breath. Let that breath be your reminder of the G.I.F.T. of Presence. Choose presence, gratitude, and connection as you move through the season, and you’ll find that it may be the best gift you give yourself and others.