The last day of Mental Health Awareness Month has become an iconic date for BeMo.
Earlier this morning, I relayed on my Twitter account:
To recap: Yes! One year ago, today was the day I clicked “Go To Print” on a package of four test models for Version 1 of the BeMo Journal. Years earlier, I entertained the idea of a journaling company and went as far as registering a business name and determining color swatches. I attended classes from similar brands. And… turned the name into a marketing agency.
That was 2017.
I was playing it safe or staying within my comfort zone, but in hindsight, it simply wasn’t time. There was an entirely new era inside of me and a journey to security and authenticity that had a Need for creative certainty before I could really Know it was time. In fact, I didn’t Know that I wanted to start BeMo until the end of February 2022.
From 2019-2021 BeMo came together un-purposefully – out of what felt like a desperate Need. I had a need for surviving differently – a way that felt less dire and more complete. I wanted to thrive! BeMo came to me with time through a personal journey of deep Need for being and belonging; for connection and understanding. What I knew above all else is that I did not need more. My life had consistently been a “need to do” more. More more. I wasn’t just burned out in my career. I was burned out on living. Over time, I dis-covered that I was burnt out on cycling through shame-blame cycles and creating energy out of anxiety. I learned these were my coping mechanisms; my survival instincts, my fake-it-til-you-make-it-don’t-let-anyone-see-you-cry mode. I was burned out on remembering the moments that were bad and struggling to remember the moments that were simple and heartwarming. Recently I expressed this story to someone as a life that I knew was filled with tremendous love and experiences, yet I was disconnected. I didn’t feel it. I wasn’t experiencing it. In fact, I often forgot any of the good times as soon as so-called memories were made. I was done asking why and hearing an echo of silence and unknowing.
In February 2022, enough people had asked me about what was so different about me that I had started to tell each of them about my nightly routine of working through the FUNCK. And in a moment that wasn’t definable, I realized I had walked through a door that I once imagined would open.
“Life is so subtle that sometimes you barely notice yourself walking through the doors you once prayed would open.”
Brianna West
Here I was, having retired my marketing agency – sitting sullen and apathetic with only a name I had once registered for a journaling company that I hadn’t even recognized was right in front of me. Until… I did.
At that undefinable moment, I decided. I began. I felt compelled to honor and quietly guide others as they discovered how their Needs intertwined with the unmet Needs of deep, underlying storylines. As a result, I did more than decide I had a Need for creativity and sharing. I also began to expand rapidly. The process of bringing BeMo to life propelled me into the final phases of decades of deeply personal storylines and trauma work. I fell from the frayed end of my ropes and found myself embraced by the Know-ing that I could get through FUNCKing anything. In the last 16 months since making this decision, I have become wildly more secure and comfortable with my authenticity. The process of creating BeMo has challenged some of my most well-placed, misfiring coping mechanisms and brought everything to the surface. Today, I have personally grown, changed, and manifested as much if not more, than BeMo has.
When I decided to create BeMo, I was in yet another era of pinching pennies. Another crossing point of Game Over or Start Over. In the haze of unsureness, I was absolutely sure of one thing. What I had created had saved my life on more than one occasion. And it was time to share that passion. In more ways than one, chose to Begin Again!
Celebrating 1 Year
On the last day of Mental Health Awareness Month – May 31, 2022 – I clicked to order that very first package of the BeMo Journal version 1.0. This year, I am happy to announce that by the end of Mental Health Awareness Month 2023, after sourcing and discussing with more than 40 manufacturers across the world, I received a proofed copy of what will become the BeMo Lux Edition version 5.0.
Yes. 5.0! In the last 12 months, I have gathered feedback from a randomly selected product testing team and spent long hours viewing, reviewing, and interviewing about each new version of The BeMo Journal until 5.0 was born.
Today, I am happy to announce that I am bringing this final version of The BeMo Journal into the world – filled with love, created from many tears and even more joyful moments. More often than not, it was the random, unsolicited notes from BeMo Journalers that would bring me back to my desk with high hopes and heartfelt intentions. Each of you is so powerful, and your journeys are incredible. Thank you for allowing BeMo and me to be a part of your journey thus far.
Here are just a few of the words I received just this week:
“I’ve been going through a lot in my personal life. BeMo is really helping.”
“I think I’m doing better than I have before. FUNCK really helps. I’m FUNCKing every day and sometimes twice a day now.”
“I’m almost through my first BeMo and can’t wait to see all the new and improved features when I get my new one.”
The last time I wrote an update was this last December. In a similar format, let’s recap what is going on at BeMo today.
So Far This Year
- Starting with v4 (our Spring Edition), we combined The BeMo Practice Guide sans specific examples with the BeMo Journal for a new, complete edition.
- We launched a full-color print of the BeMo Feelings & Needs Wheel as BeMo Bookmarks.
- We launched a Hardcover edition of The BeMo Journal.
- We now ship Internationally and directly from our website.
- We matched all sales throughout Mental Health Awareness Month. We donated to a local Teen Suicide Prevention Program as well as randomly selected local areas where we’ve left free BeMo Journals for anyone with the Need for help and growth. As a tiny startup, this has brought our total donated journals to nearly 70 donations made so far, and we hope to exceed that manyfold by the end of 2023.
- During June, we are matching all purchases to donate journals to a local LGBTQ+ Center.
We Continue To…
- Be available on Instagram, Facebook, Etsy, and Amazon, with a Pinterest store underway for final release with approval.
- Love our friendship and partnership with the community – “for women, by women” social hub and store.
- Be available for an Earth-conscious On-Demand order in 12 countries – Canada, Japan, the USA, Australia, the UK, Denmark, Spain, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, and Sweden.
Coming Soon
- BeMo is working on expanding new products that support self-care – from journaling products and workbooks to notepads and classes, and now including a fantastic partnership with a local chocolate company.
- BeMo Lux is slated to be available in time for the holiday season – marking the one-year anniversary of our first product release to the public.
- Version 3 of The BeMo Book is well underway, including some of the most inspiring stories from YOU about your experience with BeMo.
Right now, I cannot wait to continue. I am eager to reveal more and wish that I could do it all at once. While this company is, at the surface, a solopreneur project, I cannot imagine being where we are today without the involvement of so, so, so, so many great people. Thank you for your feedback. Thank you for your trust. Thank you for sharing. My Imagined Future looks impressive from here!
To recap from the Imagined Future I wrote on the December update, here’s what is done, and here is what is still in the Dream Machine.
- YES! New luxury lay-flat journals with guides and bookmarks are well on their way to a debut.
- YES! Journaling stickers are currently being designed.
- YES! We have implemented the BOHO (Buy One, Help One) program. We still DREAM of donating over 1,000 journals to a variety of mental health services we Know and partner with.
- YES! The BeMo Practice book is well underway. We still IMAGINE a beautiful publication will be on the shelf by the end of the year.
- YES! We have implemented some self-help forum software to our website and are still DREAMING of providing on-demand courses and downloadable tools available to Subscribers. Today, we have a handful of BeMo Journalers ready to join the official #BeMoJo Community, and we are all eager for it. In fact, get an exclusive early adopters invite to our Journaling Community when you order your first BeMo MYFIRSTBEMO to receive a discount at checkout.
- YES! We are already drafting new products for children, teens, planners, mothers, students, and more. Planning editions are currently out for Beta Testing. And we continue to DREAM of what these products will look like in print.
Today, my Imagined Future looks very much the same, and it all feels possible because of you.
Thank you for your willingness. I honor your journey. Always.
With love and kindness,
Cassandra Stark
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